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Old Harbour in Jakobstad rf

Several Events Throughout the Year

The association's first year has had a flying start with several events organised in the Old Harbour. There was an Open House in February, a Clean & Clear Day in early May, and a Restaurant Day in mid-May. The events were well-attended and brought life and activity to the area. The events are an important part of the association's activities, and you are all welcome to contribute ideas for new events, help organise them, and of course, participate in them.

The development of the area is the most important task for the association, and this is done, among other things, through continuous dialogue with the town. The association's board has compiled a list of proposed measures to be discussed with the town. The idea is to have two meetings per year with the town's officials. Please feel free to contact the board if you have any ideas you would like to put forward, either via the association's email address or personally to the board members!

Follow us on social media!

The Gamla hamn – Vanha satama Facebook page is the best channel to get updated information about what is happening in the area. Follow us on Facebook!


Gamla Hamn i Jakobstad rf


Vega Foundation


Jakobstads Gamla Hamn Ab
